Change Your Opiate Addiction Lifestyle
Do you have an Opiate Addiction?
Answer the questions on the checklist below. If you answer "YES" to 3 or more questions, it might be time to look at our Thrive Medication options.
- Can't control or cut down opiate use?
- Have a strong desire or urge for opiate anytime of the day?
- Spending a large amount of money on opiates?
- Continued to use even though it was causing trouble with your family or friends?
- Use despite legal or social problems?
- Stop or cut down important activities?
- Use while doing something dangerous, like driving?
- Use despite physical or mental problems?
- Become tolerant - need more opiates or need to use it more often?
- Have withdrawal - physical symptoms when you try to stop using?
Only 3 drugs are approved for "Medication Assisted Treatment" according to SAMHSA (Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Guidelines): Buprenorphine, Naltrexone, and Methadone. We do not carry methadone (a schedule II medication). It is recognized that upwards of 90% will fail to get off opiates without medication assisted treatment. This is not a moral failing or weakness. This is not something that can be adequately addressed alone by only traditional 12-step programs (AA, NA) or faith-based programs like Celebrate Recovery. Alternative treatments like Kratom and "medical" marijuana do not treat the condition and often cause more problems with their use (just ask Dr Google). Too many are dying every day. Only 10% who die are using heroin.....the rest can be found in a medicine cabinet.
Methadone requires that one goes to a "methadone clinic" for a daily dose, 7 days a week. For some, this is what they need to ensure they are doing the best they can to maintain their sobriety. Others choose the once-monthly "Vivitrol" (long-acting naltrexone) shot. The rest choose to be on sub-lingual buprenorphine based products (Subutex- buprenorphine, Suboxone- buprenorphine and naloxone, Zubsolv- buprenorphine and naloxone, and Bunavail- buprenorphine and naloxone) that are available in both sublingual tablet and sublingual strip form. For the sake of this discussion and in accordance with SAMHSA guidelines, anyone who is using medication assisted treatment (MAT) is to be recognized and considered "in sobriety". Certain organizations may not recognize this fact and we encourage you to find a different organization/group that supports your recovery. No one wins when too many are dying. Furthermore, no one on MAT continues the lifestyle of deception, tremendously poor choices, as well as the inability to function in daily life.